Enjoy with all five senses.
- Lake Towada & Towada HotelSIGHTWitness natural beauty at Lake Towada & Towada Hotel
- Odate Magewappa Traditional Lunch Box CraftworkTOUCHCraft a traditional Odate Magewappa Lunch Box with your hands
- Yoneshiro River Canoe TourTOUCHFeel the adventure on a Yoneshiro River Canoe Tour
- Walk with an Akita DogTOUCHFeel the love while walking an Akita dog
- Namahage Drum Performance & Ishiyaki CuisineSOUNDSense reverberations of a Namahage drum performance with Ishiyaki cuisine
- Namahage Museum & Namahage Traditional PerformanceSOUNDExperience a traditional performance at the Namahage Museum